Friday, December 08, 2006

Totally Crushed Out.

(view from my offices, me staring and dreaming...)
I feel like I am wide awake these days.

Which is really frightening and so exciting at the same time. I feel really focused on my job (which it turns out that I am really good at), on playing music again (with the beautiful sophie, the talented ralph, and artistic matthew), about getting in shape (I LOVE my gym!).

I don't know, I guess change was necessary.

It doesn't mean I don't stare out of my bedroom window and cry from time to time wondering...about everything.

But for now, I am enjoying flirting (and kissing again), and daydreaming...M


kelly rae said...

first of all, AMAZING view from your office! and so glad you are feeling so optimistic.

Anonymous said...

Good to see you back and so alive!:)

I love the title of your blog and your view: from your office, and of life...