Thursday, October 19, 2006

So Distracted, All of the time.

(more pics from da'party...)

I am very distracted lately and apparently looking to be distracted further. It's hard for me to concentrate because there is so much going on. It's fall time in New York with Spring like weather, so that's not helping much either. I can't put my finger on it, but I think it has something to do with the change of seasons....
It's not the job.
The job is good...My boss has become dependent upon me lately which is very nice in the sense that in a world were there is no such thing as job security this offers me a small, albeit tiny, safety net.
It's not for lack of things to do.
Last night I went to my friend Amanda's husbands television preview at the Museum of Radio and Television. It was really beautiful, articulate and honest. Amanda and Jay are such wonderful support systems to each other, they are each others confidants, and their honesty with each other with inspiring and moving.
Sitting next to Amanda in the theatre it was so wild to see this screen siren that she is on screen, and the shy women sitting next holding her jacket over her eyes cringing every time she came on screen. She has NO idea how beautiful she is (just like the majority of my girlfriends...) If you all have the Sundance Channel you will be able to see it on December 13, 2006. It's called "One Punk, Under God."
I went to Joshua's and Sandra's house after and watched the Mets game with them and Ralph. It's amazing how much pride I felt for The Mets. Something about living in NY for four years gets into your blood and the next thing you know you yelling at the TV screen and hi fiving people...Me? Yes. Weird.
Today I sat at La Rue 57 with Sophie at the bar chatting about passion and um, passion. "One can never have too much passion" Sophie says in her gorgeous French accent. Of course it attracts men like honey and the beautiful man sitting next to us starting talking to Sophie in French, with in sheer seconds he gave her his phone number...this is a typical afternoon for Sophie. She folded the number and waited until we got out side to put it in the trash can.
There has been many other odd things a foot. Things I feel I must censor as not to get myself in trouble (or judged- no, I have been that bad...but you know...I older so I am becoming a little more private;). But if you really want to know you can always call me. I am always up for a good round of gossip...xo. M

Friday, October 13, 2006

make new friends, but keep the old...

(party at george's house last friday- don't worry, I don't really smoke!)
I was a brownie (yes, I know I am still a "brownie," I'm not taking about my ethnic background). Not a girlscout, but a brownie. I didn't want to "cross the bridge" and become a girlscout (for those of you that were brownies you know what I am talking about). I thought baking cookies, and singing weird songs with my fellow 3rd graders was good enough. One of the songs we always sang was "Make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the other's gold." Well since I have been living in New York I have made a lot of new friends, who I just love. But I always miss my old friends, who are much more like family, and who I always call to talk to about the most mundane things that some how make us laugh, because there is so much history between us that we know exactly why we are laughing.
It's equally exciting to met new friends so that you can discover and rediscover parts of your personality that you thought you left behind, or to discover just how much you have grown.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

"Trust no one"

(Yes, I love my cat...)
"Trust no one." These are words from my boss, Mr. Grossman, at 9:00am on a Tuesday morning. Christian, my co-worker and I are called into his office. He starts with a lecture, or a "little story" as he says. He talks about the "business" and how everyone one is out to get you and screw you over...
Coupled by this lecture on paranoia, we sit in office that faces the whole of Broadway; not that you could see it. His shades are drawn, he doesn't like the sun light. Our chairs face away from the window and their is only a small light on his desk that reflect off my glasses.
He is wearing all black, black Armani suit, black Etro shirt, black socks, and black Tod's shoes. The man in black, with OCD.
He is trying to assure Christian and I that even though this business is full of scoundrels (eh, hem, that we are in luck because he is the countries most successful concert producer and we in turn will one day be, because of him, he never lets us forget that, because of him, we will be successful, and learn not to trust people...Weird.

My night was much better. I met up with Sophie, Matt, and by coincidence Adam at the Pub across the street from my house. I love this Pub, if only because it is called "The Fat Black Pussy Cat." Dennis, a pub regular, (old skool Brooklyn Italian, very Joe Pesci) told us a couple of jokes (he literally says "Bada Bing, Bada Boom); then Sophie and I swapped office gossip stories, (her boss is just extravagant as mine, but a little more suave). Amanda (she has the most gorgeous head of read hair!) joined us and we all headed to Joshua and Pants' house in Soho. Joshua and Pants (her real name is Sandra, but got the nickname "Pants" from Joshua, because apparently she wears the pants in the relationship. Love it). They are both brillant photographers, who are newly engaged. Their house always becomes an imprompt to party, which they always love and welcome. I have enlisted their services to work together on creative projects, and they have enlisted by services to help with the business side of their, well, business...if you get a chance check out Joshua's work Beso. M

Tats Cru: Tools: Paint, Nozzles, Gas Mask

Nosm of Tats Cru describes some of the essential tools used to create graffiti art. For more info on the tats cru go to M