Monday, July 23, 2007

Tagged (part deux)

I was tagged by Kat to write 8 random things about myself and to repost the here goes.

1. We have to post these rules before we give you the facts.
2. Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged write their own blog post about their eight things and include these rules.
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged and that they should read your blog.

1. Misspelled the word "hammer" in the 3rd grade spelling bee (I spelled it "h-a-m-e-r" it has haunted me ever since).

2. My first kiss was in the eighth grade by a guy by the name of Greg Cooper. It was AWKWARD...I just remember turning my head toward him and then teeth bumping into each other...ouch. I also had the world's longest crushes. I had a crush on Caleb Wheeler from the 4th grade to the 9th grade; and a crush on Dave Snyder from 9th grade he got married two years ago- and then it was inappropriate!

3. If I am depressed I can actually (very easily) be distracted into the warm fuzzies by the following: watching either "Harry Met Sally", "Moonstruck", "Cooking with Nigella", or "Absolutely Fabulous" while eating popcorn. Reading any fashion or gossip magazine while eating Twizzlers; or talking to one of my lovely girlfriends on the phone...

4. I have never liked the way my legs looks. I don't own one pair of shorts...until this year. This is the first year where I have actually been very proud of my stems...:) the gym can actually work miracles.

5. I like to cuss...I really like the way those words feel. I think I was a truck driver in my former life. But now that my brothers are having kids I am trying to mend my ways. I have replaced most cuss words with "Dang" and "Shoot." It's Southern and it makes me more fucking lady like.

6. I like the funny...I am a Comedian junky. I think Comedians are genius. "Flight of the Concords" enough said...I would marry either one of them. Brilliant.

7. I want to take a family portrait of my family this year. We lost so much...and now my family is growing so quickly...I couldn't be prouder.

8. I'm a Hustler: I have skills to pay the bills. I can produce, act, write, drum, cook, dance, book shows, draw up contracts, and I make up my own rules...(I guess that's why I moved to NYC).

I would tag 8 other people, but Kat already tagged all the people I would have tagged!!!


p.s. the reason I haven't been updating this blog as much, it that I am now writing for PM Buzz about my nightlife in NYC. If you would like to check it out- the link is below!
My Nightlife Blog for PM

1 comment:

kelly rae said...

i'm lovin all of these. i love how we never know all there is to know about our friends....